CDC Database
Stephenie McLean, RENCI
Valerie Taylor, Texas A&M University
In an effort to increase the participation of minorities in research in computer-related areas, CDC, with funding from the NSF PACI Program via the EOT Programs, has developed this database of minority researchers and graduate students. The focus is on the areas of computer engineering, computer science and computational science because of the dismal representation of minorities in the research in these areas. The database will serve as a resource for disseminating of information about CDC, NPACI and Alliance programs and activities and building a network of individuals with common goals.
Distributed Rap Sessions
Allison Clark, NCSA
Phoebe Lenear, University of Illinois
In February – June of 2008, the Distributed Rap Sessions were combined with the CDC’s successful Distinguished Lecture Series, which help create a virtual community of minority student researchers through ongoing discussions over the Access Grid. The Access Grid is an ensemble of resources that can be used to support human interaction across distributed sites, called Access Nodes. The resources include multimedia displays, presentations and interaction environments as well as the interfaces to visualization technology. Access Grid nodes are “designed spaces” that explicitly contain the high-end audio and video technology needed to provide high-quality compelling user experiences. DLS speakers will be featured on the Access Grid, which will greatly increase the number of people able to participate in each DLS/DRS around the globe.